Tag Archives: Merry

Finishing the last story before the last post :) A Day in Hobbiton #54

Pippin: Oh…oh…*almosts faints*

Me:  Oh…oh…*does faint*

Legolas:  *springs in with his bow and arrow*

Saraleen:  *does the same*

Gimli:  *charges and dispatches three*

Merry:  *picks up rocks and starts pitching them*

Pippin:  *joins in*

Me: *trying desperately to wake up*

Suddenly there was a really loud noise, not I don’t know if you now what a trumpet sounds like (You know…like the war trumpets)  but this one was at least three times louder than a normal one.  We all (including the Urak-hai) look around, then Faramir and his men  (bless them all) jump in and start fighting, and is only  a matter of minutes before the Urak-hai run off or either are…you know.  I just wanted to go over and kiss Faramir’s feet, Pip would have if Merry hadn’t stopped him.  We all bowed instead and there was a lot of thanking, not to mention hand clasping and hugging. 

Faramir:  One  of my scouts told me you were about to be ambushed.

Legolas: We are forever in his and yours debt.

Faramir: You can repay us by coming back with us to Gondor, Aragorn would be most pleased to see you agin.

Legolas and Saraleen together:  That sounds most welcome.

Gimli: It most certainly does, he has better Ale then the dwarves do.

Me:  Oh soft beds…*happy sigh*

Pippin: …I like both those things.

After all that had happened we headed back to Gondor.  You can just imagine the Welcome we got. 🙂

I had better leave my headtop now, it needs to rest. So do my fingers. 🙂



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